Coda Plugin for WordPress Hook completion

WordPress hides a lot of functionality behind its filter/action hooks. Unfortunately these are generally inaccessible to many an IDE via code completion because they’re held within opaque strings. Coda, my preferred IDE, is affected, but since it’s extensible there are many plugins available to provide additional functionality.

As I was unable to find a plugin to perform this functionality I had a bash at writing one myself. I picked apart how this one by Matthew Woodard works and found a list of all the hooks here. You can download it by clicking the image below.

Screen Shot 2015-09-26 at 15.56.14It may be of limited use since as soon as you type the first ‘(‘ the autocomplete list disappears, so you can only ever choose from the full list rather than it converging on your typing as you go, but at least you can see what’s available. If I can figure out a better way to do this then I’ll update the plugin.